ООО «Иматек и К» разрабатывает и производит широкий спектр волокон и волокнистых фильтроматериалов со специальными свойствами, промышленные газоочистные фильтры и установки, сорбенты для очистки и улучшения качества питьевой воды Today Imatek&K, Ltd. is a team of highly quilified specialists (incl. Ph. D’s and Doctors of Sciences) in the sphere of filter material research, development and production, industrial and special gas- and water-purification. With the help of our own solutions as well as domestic and foreign technologies our specialists have developed unique filter materials and filters enabling almost complete air and water purification from hazardous chemical and biological substances.
Filter material and filter production is organized on our own sites. “Ecofil-Deco” SPA is the main production and technical site of Imatek&K, Ltd.
Imatek&K, Ltd. has the following departments: production and technical department, technical service, sales, customer service, and marketing department.
Working with Imatek&K, Ltd. you acquire a reliable partner, the whole volume of unique solutions to engineering tasks, high quality products, professional approach and attention to all your problems.
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